17 March 2006

Why I Love St. Patrick's Day

When I was in kindergarten, leprechauns visited my classroom. I know this because when we came back from lunch on St. Patrick's Day, all the desks were turned over, the books were on the floor, and the room was a complete mess. Also, there was a trail of green glitter that went in loops around our classroom, out the door, and all the way to the edge of the forest that bordered our school yard (sort of like Family Circus meets Tinkerbell). Our teacher smilingly told us that the leprechauns must have played a trick on us, but that there were golden coins hidden around the classroom. We didn't want the gold though (which was just turned out to be chocolate anyway)-- we wanted to catch one of the Little People. So we followed the glitter-track loops around the classroom, out the door, and all the way into the forest (there were no fences, mind you). Twenty kindergartners, little people in our own right, running full bore into a leprechaun-filled forest, our poor teacher trailing behind, frantically reminding us that the gold was INSIDE the classroom.

Man, school just ain't what it used to be.


kel said...

Russ, that's AWESOME. Maybe when you've got your very own class next year, you could try the same thing on your high-schoolers... see if they respond the same way. And in case your students rebel & say they're "too cool" for a leprechaun hunt, you can always put the come hither on them. That'll teach 'em once and for all. ...But if you asked me, I'd say leprechauns are exciting at any age. Darby agrees.

bec said...

so did you catch one??

Russ said...

Of course I did. Do you think these ama-zing good looks are natural?!?!

chrishley said...

you went to lunch in kindergarten? I think I only got milk and cookies. But actually, not even that. Altho, there was a magic carpet on which I kissed my first boy ever.